Development Newsletters

Release: 29-08-2012

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

  • Basic target groups definition for socio-demographic statistics!
  • Sortable report chapters
  • Bulgarian localization in reports

Basic target groups definition for socio-demographic statistics!

Our users are able to define a campaign's target group from now on! Statistics for standard socio-demographic features - such as education or age - are not enough to find out if a campaign was really successful. gemiusDirectEffect is now capable to calculate statistics for pre-defined target groups. For instance, the system could tell you how many women from big cities, who are 25 to 34 years old, had contact with your campaign.

The illustration below shows the window, where you can define your target group:

Figure: Statistics for predefined target groups

This window and the statistics for target groups are available under the Socio-demography tab in Statistics.

Figure: Definition window

We are aware of the fact that such definition might not be sufficient in many cases. That is why we are still working very hard on improvements in this module, which will be revealed soon.

Sortable report chapters

Until now, when users defined a few chapters in a report and then made a mistake in arranging the order of these chapters, all of them had to be deleted and defined from scratch (in the proper order). With this deployment, we are introducing the possibility to change the order of chapters instantly. You only need to drag a chapter and drop it to the desired place.

Figure: Before...

Figure: ...and After

Bulgarian localization in reports

Users from Bulgaria will be happy to hear gemiusDirectEffect learned their language and it can be selected from the language options when ordering a report.

Figure: New position in the report's ordering option

direct effect reports soc-dem