Development Newsletters

Release: 24-04-2013

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

  • Action page statistics available in new periods!
  • Sticky icons on the campaign list
  • Improvement of the interface URL addresses for Statistics

Action page statistics available in new periods!

Finally, we can provide you with action page statistics in our standard periods, such as: months, weeks and days.

Thus you do not have to define a lot of custom periods in your campaign in order to get this data.

It is also a step forward to analyze the campaign's effect on the landing page and optimize the leads.

Figure: New options on the date picker in an action pages ranking

Sticky icons on the campaign list

If you have a narrow screen you would be happy with this feature. We force campaign list to show the edit and statistics icons always on the right hand side of the screen. Even if the screen is too narrow to hold the width of the list you have an easy access to those icons.

Figure: An example of sticky icons

Improvement of the interface URL addresses for Statistics

On March 6 we introduced the improvement of the URLs in the statistics module. It helped users to navigate by browsing the history when it was to different statistics period. Now we add new contexts to this feature. Whenever you change the period, dimension, set of indicators, or even a 'group by' view all those information will be stored in the URL and in the browsing history. Thanks to that fact, you can copy the URL and send it to your colleagues. After clicking such a link they will see the same statistics configuration.

direct effect statistics