Development Newsletters

Release: 09-01-2013

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

  • Visits & Visitors
  • gemiusPrism
  • Smart data tables
  • Audience composition
  • Diacritics

Visits & Visitors

We have completed our project of landing page statistics. Therefore we have renamed the Experimental tab to Visits & Visitors in the indicator selection overlay window.

Figure: the renamed tab


As gemiusTraffic2 has been re-branded to gemiusPrism, we have also adjusted all references to it in our system.

Figure: gemiusPrism

Smart data tables

From now on, every data table in the system will remember your choice for the number of records to display at once. If you change the default selection from 20 to 40 for instance, it will stay the same even after refreshing the page or logging in to the system again.

Figure: Records on page

Audience composition

Because we want to be consistent with gemiusExplorer metrics, we have changed the naming of share of real users to audience composition. This change affects the Socio-demography statistics.

Figure: audience composition


If your campaign, creative or report had a diacritic in its name then you probably had a problem with downloading the related files. The system cut off diacritics in a very simple way to make it safe for opening under various operating systems. But we are now introducing a new solution to this problem. From now on the system will replace letters to their closest representations in the English alphabet (like Ä… to a, Ä™ to e, etc.). Thanks to this it will be much easier as well to read file names.

direct effect indicators