Development Newsletters

Release: 13-08-2013

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

  • Removal of 'In-screen' and 'Dwell rate' types from on-demand reports
  • New information about hits: browserID

Removal of 'In-screen' and ˜Dwell rate' types from on-demand reports

As in-screen and dwell type of statistics are already available in the interface, we are removing these options from the list of on-demand report types.

Figure: Advanced reports

To get a report instead of seeing these statistics in the interface only, please contact your local Technical Support.

New information about hits: browserID

There is now an additional piece of information being sent about hits (i.e. events of ad impression, click, etc.) by hitcollectors, which opens up new possibilities of counting statistics for us in the future. Please note that this change doesn't affect the way statistics are presented now.

browser ID direct effect dwell inscreen