Development Newsletters

Release: 12-11-2014

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

  • More global templates customized to measure inscreen and dwell rate statistics
  • Improvement in adding UTM parameters

More global templates customized to measure inscreen and dwell rate statistics

Improvements deployed on Release 01-10-2014 were taken into account in the customization of further global templates in order to allow automatic measurement of inscreen and dwell statistics.

This applies to the following templates:

  • Gate [N]
  • Triple[N]

In addition, we would like to remind you that this type of measurement is based on the following assumption:

  • A creative containing more than one graphic element is considered detectable if any of its elements is visible in at least 50% for one second.
In other words, if at least 50% of the left skyscraper in a gate type creative is detected, then the creative is included in the inscreen measurement statistics.

We would like to encourage you to try out this new functionality to enlarge the scope of creatives for which inscreen and dwell measurement is possible.

Improvement in adding UTM parameters

This deployment brings the introduction of an improvement that should be a time saver for traffickers and help them spare some additional work while defining new campaigns. Until now, the checkbox Add UTM parameters had to be checked manually while setting up a new campaign. From this deployment, this checkbox can be ticked by default for every campaign of a given user.

To request this new functionality to be turn on, please contact your Local Tech Support office.

direct effect dwell inscreen utm