Development Newsletters

Release: 22-06-2016

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

  • New ad formats
  • Improvements in creative templates
  • Creative upload improvements - add creative
  • Real Users and Socio-demography in Belgium

New ad formats

With this release we will introduce new ad formats that will make your advertisements stand out from the rest of ads presented on the website, which also makes them more amusing for users. Showing many features of a product in one view saves the space and gives tons of possibilities to display the ad.


In this ad format, elements (image or video) are displayed in one container and only partially visible. User covers or uncovers the element by moving the mouse cursor. Possibility to set the slash angle, width and color allows to show the most valuable parts of both creative files.

In Article Video

Creative becomes active when is visible to the user. It expands only once for the user during one view, pushing down the content and revealing the video. It’s possible to set video image with or without controls or a simple poster image.


This ad format allows to display 1-5 images or videos in one creative. Next element is shown after user interaction (click on arrow) or automatically with animation – emerge behind element currently displayed.

Improvements in creative templates

Together with new ad formats mentioned above we will also introduce few improvements in already existing templates:

  • Possibility to enlarge the close button in [Mobile] Fullscreen and [Mobile] Expand2fs templates
  • An option of adding a closing button to the [Mobile] Simple template

Creative upload improvements - add creative

In the previous release we introduced first part of creative upload improvements. This week we will make it even more user friendly with a possibility of adding new creatives to the Creatives batch upload functionality. From now on whenever you forget about a creative file in the first place, or remove one by accident, you will be able to add it to the already existing list of uploaded creatives. To do so all you need to do is move a desired ad file above the batch upload window or use an Add button. Simple as that.

Real Users and Socio-demography in Belgium

We would also like to welcome Belgium in our family of countries with Real Users and Socio-demography statistics available in the campaign. Thanks to this launch all clients that would like to know a profile of the users that had contact with campaigns running in Belgium will have a possibility to get more detailed statistics with just one click.

In case of any questions please contact your local Tech Support office.New ad formats

With this release we will introduce new ad formats that will make your advertisements stand out from the rest of ads presented on the website, which also makes them more amusing for users. Showing many features of a product in one view saves the space and gives tons of possibilities to display the ad.


In this ad format, elements (image or video) are displayed in one container and only partially visible. User covers or uncovers the element by moving the mouse cursor. Possibility to set the slash angle, width and color allows to show the most valuable parts of both creative files.

In Article Video

Creative becomes active when is visible to the user. It expands only once for the user during one view, pushing down the content and revealing the video. It's possible to set video image with or without controls or a simple poster image.


This ad format allows to display 1-5 images or videos in one creative. Next element is shown after user interaction (click on arrow) or automatically with animation emerge behind element currently displayed.

Improvements in creative templates

Together with new ad formats mentioned above we will also introduce few improvements in already existing templates:

  • Possibility to enlarge the close button in [Mobile] Fullscreen and [Mobile] Expand2fs templates
  • An option of adding a closing button to the [Mobile] Simple template

Creative upload improvements - add creative

In the previous release we introduced first part of creative upload improvements. This week we will make it even more user friendly with a possibility of adding new creatives to the Creatives batch upload functionality. From now on whenever you forget about a creative file in the first place, or remove one by accident, you will be able to add it to the already existing list of uploaded creatives. To do so all you need to do is move a desired ad file above the batch upload window or use an Add button. Simple as that.

Real Users and Socio-demography in Belgium

We would also like to welcome Belgium in our family of countries with Real Users and Socio-demography statistics available in the campaign. Thanks to this launch all clients that would like to know a profile of the users that had contact with campaigns running in Belgium will have a possibility to get more detailed statistics with just one click.

In case of any questions please contact your local Tech Support office.

direct effect soc-dem