Development Newsletters

Release: 25-03-2015

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

  • Inscreen and dwells available in custom indicators
  • Changes in the way the time frames of flights are indicated

Inscreen and dwells available in custom indicators

As of this release, indicators from the User engagement tab will be added to the settings of custom indicators. This means that from now on every user will be able to define indicators for inscreen, non-inscreen and dwell statistics that are not available in the standard view of the campaign statistics.

Figure: User's custom indicators

Changes in the way the time frames of flights are indicated

With this release, also the way the time frames of flights are indicated will change. It means that, for example when downloading scripts, if the flight is set to start and end on specific dates, these dates will still be added to the folder name. Additionally, if the flight starts or ends with the beginning/end of the campaign, camp_start/camp_end will be appended to the folder name respectively. However, if the dates of the flight are set to the duration of the campaign, the folder name will not be additionally marked.

Figure: Flights marking in the Statistics view

direct effect dwell flight inscreen