Development Newsletters

Release: 16-08-2012

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

  • Integration with gemiusTraffic 2
  • gDE2 API update

Integration with gemiusTraffic 2

Recently we have changed the whole interface for attaching action pages and successful clicks. We did that because we needed to create additional space for integration with gemiusTraffic2. In the past, our users were able to attach only gemiusTraffic and gT4gDE conversion scripts.

From now on, users are able to measure post-click and post-view actions on sites which are monitored by gemiusTraffic2. These are the web sites that use only one script on the entire site. Now you do not need to create many scripts for each action page and paste them on the landing page. All you need to do is to paste gemiusTraffic2 tracking script on a laning page and define the contidion that will qualify the page request as an action page or a successful click.

Figure: Screen where a user defines condition for action page

gDE2 API update

AddCampaignAction operation:
Changes will be made to input and output parameter types:

  • Input field
    • Old type definition: enum('action','successfulClick')
    • New type definition: enum('actionPage','successfulClick')
  • Output field
    • Old definition:
        <actionIDs>12,13,14</actionIDs> : uint list : list of created actions
        <alreadyUsedGtScriptIDs>3,7,21</alreadyUsedGtScriptIDs> : 
        uint list : list of scripts, for which requested action type exists
    • New definition:
            <actionID>1234</actionID>                : nullable uint, id of newly created actin
            <actionName>label1</actionName>          : string(255) : name of newly created (or not) action
            <added>Y</added>                         : enum('Y','N') : whether action has been successfuly added ('N' if such an action has already existed)
            <scriptID>2345</scriptID>                : uint
            <gtIdentifier>xdwe2.yysf232423.32</gtIdentifier> : string(255)
            <gt2projectID>2343</gt2projectID>        : nullable uint

GetCampaignActionInfo operation:
Changes will be made to some result parameter types:

  • Output field
    • Old type definition: enum('action','successfulClick')
    • New type definition: enum('actionPage','successfulClick')

GetCampaignActionsList operation:
There will be changes in the names of some result parameters. These are as follows:

  • Input field
    • Old type definition: enum('action','successfulClick') list
    • New type definition: enum('actionPage','successfulClick') list
  • Output field
    • Old type definition: enum('action','successfulClick')
    • New type definition: enum('actionPage','successfulClick') list

The description of the new API operations will be added to the official API documentation pages of our web site right after the release.

Please check your internal tools that use these gDE2 API operations and perform necessary modifications accordingly. If you have any questions, please contact your local Technical Support.

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