Development Newsletters

Release: 26-06-2019

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

New template - VAST Wrapper

We introduce a new template, VAST Wrapper, that is compatible with VAST 4.0 standard. The template supports viewability measurement that is presented as interactions: Viewable, NotViewable, ViewUndetermined. Viewability measurement is performed by the video player, so please keep in mind that the player has to support that part of the VAST standard.

VAST Wrapper template consists of four parameters:

  • AdTag URL - a URL address to an ad or an additional wrapper,
  • Follow additional wrappers - a Boolean value that identifies whether subsequent wrappers after a requested VAST response is allowed. If false, any Wrappers received (i.e. not an Inline VAST response) should be ignored. Otherwise, VAST Wrappers received should be accepted (default value is “true.”),
  • Allow multiple ads - a Boolean value that identifies whether multiple ads are allowed in the requested VAST response. If true, both Pods and stand-alone ads are allowed. If false, only the first stand-alone Ad (with no sequence values) in the requested VAST response is allowed. Default value is “false.”,
  • Fallback on no ad - a Boolean value that provides instruction for using an available Ad when the requested VAST response returns no ads. If true, the video player should select from any stand-alone ads available. If false and the Wrapper represents an Ad in a Pod, the video player should move on to the next Ad in a Pod; otherwise, the video player can follow through at its own discretion where no-ad responses are concerned.

direct effect vast wrapper