Development Newsletters

Release: 02-03-2016

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

  • New macros
  • Advertising space improvements
  • Interface updates

New macros

We are glad to introduce new macros for creatives served from the gemiusDirecEffect interface:

  • <%%PUBLISHER_ID%%> will give an ID of the publisher
  • <%%PLACEMENT_ID%%> will give an ID of the placement
  • <%%CAMPAIGN_ID%%> will give an ID of the campaign
  • <%%CLIENT_ID%%> will give an ID of the client
  • <%%CREATIVE_ID%%> will give an ID of the creative

All of the macros above will be available in the creative template settings in the system macros list.

Figure: List of macros

Advertising space improvements

In this release we introduce a small change that will make it easier to copy the advertising space in campaigns. Until now, when users wanted to add placements, e.g. from another campaign, they had to copy the whole folder with all placements inside. Now, there will be a possibility to copy only selected parts of the Campaign ad space tree.

Figure: Adding new placements to campaign

Interface updates

We also introduce a small change related to gemiusDirectEffect interface updates. From now on, the gDE interface will receive updates more often, which will speed up the delivery of new functionalities to the interface.

As a result, gDE users will receive notifications about available updates directly in the interface, which means that every time an update is introduced, a notification will show next to the user login at the top of the window. After clicking in it the user will be asked to refresh the web page in order to activate an update.

Figure: Update notification

In case of any questions please contact your local Tech Support office.

direct effect macros