Development Newsletters

Release: 28-08-2013

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

  • More action path statistics

More action path statistics

Action paths are already available in the interface. Besides the visualization of them, there are some new statistics describing action paths.

It is now possible to check at which step in the path did users spend a longer time and how many of them proceeded through the path.

The Time to outbound actions (TOA or Time to next action) indicator describes the average elapsed time between page views on two subsequent action pages of the path. This indicator is also split into direct/indirect outbound.

The Path conversions indicator stands for the number of action page views, which were preceded by every action page in the path before the current page (in any order) within the same visit. It describes those users, who proceeded through the path defined by you.

The Time to path conversion (TPC) shows the average elapsed time between action page views performed on the first page of the path and on the current page

If you need access to these indicators, please contact your local Technical Support.

direct effect statistics