Development Newsletters

Release: 26-03-2014

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

  • Socio-demographic statistics for clicks
  • Improvements to the retargeting functionality
  • Display scripts without the need to manually modify the protocol

Socio-demographic statistics for clicks

We are pleased to announce the extension of socio-demographic statistics. Now it will be possible to check not only who have seen a creative, but also who was led to click on it.

Socio-demographic statistics for clicks are available in the Socio-demography tab. Please select additional indicators in order to receive information about the profiles of users who come into contact with a campaign by clicking on a creative.

Figure: Additional indicators for clicks

As in the case of socio-demographic statistics based on impressions, in order for the calculations to be possible, certain conditions should be met (for example, they can be prepared only if the RU statistics are calculated). If the data is not available, this is indicated with dashes.

Figure: Socio-demographic statistics

To enable this functionality, please contact local Technical Support.

Improvements to the retargeting functionality

In response to the needs, we have also introduced an amendment that will allow to change the type of a creative from retargeted to basic, and vice versa, after it has been created.

Figure: The Retargeting enabled checkbox

The described change is limited, however, by several factors that are responsible for the correct definition of a campaign:

  • the change from basic to retargeted is not possible if a creative is used in any of the flights as the only basic creative;
  • the change from basic to retargeted is not possible if a creative is used in any of the flights in the emission mode other than random;

  • Figure: Warning message

  • the change from retargeted to basic is not possible if a creative is used in any of the retargeted groups; first, it should be deleted from that group.

  • Figure: Warning message

Display scripts without the need to manually modify the protocol

The new form of display scripts ensures that a script automatically adjusts to the page protocol and will be correctly interpreted on both, websites using http and https.

However, there is one exception. If in the placement the MS OOB click tracking option is selected, then the http protocol is used in scripts.

The below example shows one placement with the MS OOB click tracking option selected, and one with it unselected.

Figure: Display scripts

direct effect scripts soc-dem