Development Newsletters
Release: 26-02-2014
List of new features and major fixes for this release:
- Uploading placements in System ad space
- Improvements to Global Creative Templates (continued)
Uploading placements in System ad space
We are happy to receive positive feedback about the placement uploading functionality. This is why we decided to add this functionality to create and manage System ad space.
Figure: Uploading placements in System ad space.
Now you can create your System ad space and reuse it on a campaign level either by using the Add from system ad space option
Figure: Options of uploading the placement structure on a campaign level.
or by exporting the file from System ad space, filtering interesting placements and uploading it to a campaign.
Improvements to Global Creative Templates (continued)
We are introducing improvements to the next part of Global Creative Templates:
- Sidekick [N]
The change does not have an impact on measuring statistics in old templates. Templates marked with [N] have been improved for better performance and now they have the advantage of automatically counting dwells and in-screens. The Sidekick template consists of 2 graphic elements:
- Billboard/Banner/Box type, visible on a web page,
- A bigger graphic element which slides after clicking on the first element.
It is well worth noting that in case of creatives based on a template that consists of more than one graphic element, there is an assumption that at least one graphic element should meet the in-screen counting criteria in order for the in-screen to be counted.