Development Newsletters

Release: 16-05-2018

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

  • New indicators - Scroll depth and Element height

New indicators - Scroll depth and Element height

This week, we introduce a new indicator, which will take your ad viewability measurement to another level. Thanks to Scroll depth you will be able to check the ratio of average maximum creative scrolling. This means that you will be able to see statistics for large advertisement formats, e.g. an article, and check if and how further down users scrolled.

To make the comparison of statistics easier and more friendly, another indicator, called Element height, will show the average height of an element, on which Scroll depth statistics are based.

Scroll depth will be available in the interface as a separate indicator and as one of the choices in the dropdown menu that can be selected from the Distributions tab, whereas Element height will be available only as a separate indicator.

Note: Please note that statistics for Scroll depth and Element height indicators will be available provided that the inscreen measurement is enabled.

In case of questions, please contact your local Tech Support.

direct effect scroll depth