Development Newsletters

Release: 12-10-2016

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

  • New mobile ad formats
  • Ad formats improvements

New mobile ad formats

We know that making users curious about what's behind the ad is often a key to your campaign success. This week we present new ad formats designed for mobile devices.

Mobile pull

Mobile pull template consists of two components. At first only placed top or bottom banner shows. When the user pulls it a full screen banner appears.

This template supports HTML5 technology or graphic files.

Shake banner

With this ad template a content of an ad is initially hidden. The banners show after the user shakes his device.

Together with the first image, this template can consist up to four graphic files.

Ad formats improvements

We will also introduce few adjustments in already available ad formats:


  • possibility to expand the creatives in four directions
  • possibility to set z-index

Cube 3D

  • possibility to set the creative to float on a layer

Slider, 3D box, Carousel and AdTiles

  • we add a possibility to edit arrows by adding one at your choice (note: only arrow pointing right can be used) and setting it's size in px or % (in responsive mode)

In case of any questions please contact your local Tech Support office.

direct effect mobile pull shake banner