Development Newsletters

Release: 11-04-2018

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

  • Changes in VAST ad formats

Changes VAST in ad formats

To give you more information about your video campaign performance, this week we introduce a skip interaction in the VAST3_Linear and VAST3_Linear [N] ad formats.

Figure: Interactions in campaign statistics view

Default interactions available in gemiusDirectEffect global ad formats let you get more detailed information about what actions did users perform on advertisements delivered from the gDE system. From now on you will be able to not only check how many times your video advertisement was played and stopped, or how many times the player have been closed, but also how often the video was skipped. Thanks to those detailed statistics you will be able to manage your campaign in more effective way.

Below you can find full list of interactions available for VAST3_Linear and VAST3_Linear [N] ad formats:

  • start
  • complete
  • firstQuartile
  • midPoint
  • thirdQuartile
  • pause
  • resume
  • rewind
  • closecross
  • skip
  • fullscreen
  • mute
  • unmute

direct effect vast