Development Newsletters

Release: 07-05-2014

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

  • Improvements in adding creatives
  • Changes in gDE2 API

Improvements in adding creatives

To facilitate the daily work with creatives, we have introduced an improvement of autopopulating file size fields.

Figure: File size fields are automatically populated

If the fields are completed, the system prompts with a question whether or not these should be overwritten.

Figure: The overwrite prompt

Important: Similarly to the Batch upload feature, this feature is only available for templates consisting of a single graphic element (e.g. "Billboard + Toplayer" template is not supported). It also needs to be mentioned that the current version does not support the automatic population of file size fields when uploading alternative files. Neither does it support size recognition of .flv format files.

If you have any questions regarding the use of this feature in your own templates, please contact Local Tech Support.

Changes in gDE2 API

We are introducing changes in one the API operations described below.

In the GetCreativesList operation changes are introduced in the following output fields:

  • unresolvedMacros output field will be deleted (by the end of May 2014),
  • ea new output field is introduced, namely hasEmitterCodewhich is a negation of the old output field.


   <creativesnumber>1234</creativesnumber> : uint : @:allRows@
         <unresolvedmacros>Y</unresolvedmacros>  : deprecated nullable enum('Y', 'N') : only for GDE+ creatives
         <hasemittercode>Y</hasemittercode>      : nullable enum('Y', 'N') :  only for GDE+ creatives

The description of the amended API operation has been included in the official API documentation to be found on the AdOcean website.

Please check whether your API-based tools use the aforementioned operation. If so, you are kindly requested to implement all necessary modifications related to the use of output fields. If you have any questions related to this release, please contact Local Tech Support

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