Development Newsletters
Release: 18-11-2015
List of changes planned for the upcoming AdOcean release:
- mobile templates with HTML5 technology support
- change in the creative preview window
Release: 28-10-2015
List of new features and major fixes for this release:
- Upload of packed HTML5 creative
- New templates for creatives displayed on mobile devices
Release: 23-09-2015
List of new features and changes planned for the upcoming AdOcean release:
- HTML5 templates
- Inscreen & Dwell statistics counted by default
Release: 09-09-2015
List of new features and major fixes for this release:
- Alerts
- Alternative campaigns in waterfall model and with passback template
- Changes to AdOcean API
Release: 29-07-2015
List of new features and major fixes for this release:
- Find out which advertising segments are the most profitable for you
- The development of AdOcean
Release: 08-07-2015
List of new features and major fixes for this release:
- Estimation mechanism in AdOcean
- New template - Billboard with Flash Control
- The development of AdOcean
- Changes to AdOcean API
Release: 17-06-2015
List of new features and major fixes for this release:
- Ads in iOS applications through AdOcean
Release: 22-04-2015
List of new features and major fixes for this release:
- Ads in mobile applications through AdOcean
Release: 11-03-2015
List of new features and major fixes for this release:
- Plan your sales strategy more efficiently
Release: 18-02-2015
List of new features and major fixes for this release:
- Inscreens and Dwells as a part of campaign planning