Development Newsletters

Release: 04-08-2021

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

New macro - CACHE_BUSTER

We've prepared a new cachebuster macro: <%%CACHE_BUSTER_n%%>.
Where n - is a number in range 1 to 18.

Macro is going to expand  into a random number 'n' digits long.
Worth noting: the randomized number never starts with 0.

For n = 1 it will generate random number from range 1 to 9 <1,9>
For n = 2 it will generate random number from range 10 to 99 <10,99>
For n = 5 it will generate random number from range 10000 to 99999 <10000,99999>
And so on..

In case of n different than allowed range of numbers or if it's string (eg. <%%CACHE_BUSTER_foobar%%>), macro is going to reveal itself into a string: "bad CACHE_BUSTER param - only numbers from 1 to 18."

adocean macros