Development Newsletters

Release: 19-07-2023

Notifications for completed prediction

From now on there is an option to receive notifications whenever a prediction is completed. These notifications come in two different types:

  • Push notifications, which are browser dependent. Logging out of an account disables notifications.
  • Email notifications, in which one email address can be specified. By default, the email assigned to the account in the private account settings appears in the field.

It is possible to set both forms of notifications at once. Setting them is possible in the campaign properties view, in the prediction box by clicking the "Notifications" button on the right.

Changes in API

We are introducing changes in API command:


  • new onReadyEmail field - allows to pass an optional email adress which is going to receive messages about completed prediction.

New option in In article video template

We would like to inform you that we have added a new option to the In article video template.

From now on, it is possible to select a checkbox so that the video ad will not stop when the target URL is open. The checkbox can be selected in the creative parameters.


We have prepared new <%%PLACEMENT_TYPE_NAME%%> macro, which will return the name of the placement type. Please be informed that macro will remove diacritics signs and replace them with underline sign.

Updated formula for "Unmeasurable impressions" statistic

Up to now, Unmeasurable impressions included only events for which viewability was not measured for some technical reasons. Therefore, it could happen that All impressions was not equal to the sum of the Viewable impressions, Non-viewable impressions total and Unmeasurable impressions.

From now on, we will expand the scope of the Unmeasurable impressions metric to include all impressions with unmeasurable viewability, regardless of technical reason.

Please note that this change will be implemented across all campaigns.

api In article video interface macros statistics