Development Newsletters

Release: 09-09-2020

List of new features and major fixes for this release:

Prebid template update

Template's Prebid library will be upgraded to version 4.5.0.

Thanks to the new library, from now on Prebid template will support Analytics Adapters. To find supported adapters you need to type "analytics" in selected adapters section - all such adapters will contain [Analytics] prefix.

We will also remove "Allow auction when CMP is unavailable" option as it works only with version 1.1 of CMP which is not in use anymore (according to IAB recomendation).

New macro

We prepared a new macro: <%%PLACEMENT_PATH%%>. Macro will return full path of placement's tree (starting from root). Entities will be separated by underline sign, for example: 'Publisher_Master-placement_Slave-placement'. Please be informed that macro will remove diacritics signs and replace them with underline sign.

api macros prebid