Development Newsletters
Release: 12-10-2016
List of new features for this release:
- New ad formats for mobile - mobile pull, shake banner
- Improvements for Adtiles, Slider, Carousel and Cube 3D templates
- Changes in API
New ad formats for mobile
Mobile pull
The Mobile Pull is a two component ad format. The ad is starting with a top or bottom placed banner, when you pull vertically, a full screen ad appears.
In this template you can use HTML5 technology or graphics files.
Shake banner
In shake banner, the content of ad is initially hidden and can be serve as a banner, only after the user shakes the device.
In this template you can use graphics files.
Improvements for Adtiles, Slider, Carousel and Cube 3D templates
We will introduce the following changes in templates:
- for Cube3D - possibility of display format on layer
- in AdTiles, Slider, Carosuel, Cube 3D templates - we will add possibilities of edit arrows and option of add your own arrow (notice: arrow have to be in right side and symetric)
- for AdTiles:
- posibility of expanding in one from four directs
- z-index setting
Changes in API
The changes will not be backward compatible.
Due to the introduction of a new version of the module for calculating campaign statistics, the following changes will be made in the AdOcean API:
- For the GetBasicStatsLite command:
- The sortStatName parameter will replace the sortField parameter.
- In the case of the timeUnitName parameter, if defined as timeUnitName!=General, we will receive period in place of timeUnit.
- If no data is available for a given indicator, you will receive 0 in place of "NULL"
- Another date format will be available in period and in campaign details for options humanDates and showDetails. Exmaples:
- "2016-09" in place of "201609" for timeUnitName=Month
- "2016-09-19,2016-09-26" in place of "20160919" for timeUnitName=Week
- "2016-09-20" in place of "20160920" for timeUnitName=Day
- "2016-09-20 15:00 in place of "2016092015" for timeUnitName=Hour
- If a command is called for a campaign for which dataTo, dataFrom, updateDate are not defined, you receive - in place of the NoStatsAvailable error.
- Default value for the sortOrder parameter is desc in place of asc. If sortOrder is used without defining the value of sortStatName, there will be no error, command will be called without this parameter.
- The following new parameters will be added: domainName, limit, showDetails, humanDates, showNames.
- For the statNames parameter we will change type from AdOceanListType(AdOceanAlNumType(1, 100, ".")) to AdOceanAlNumListType(".") .
- For sortStatName and SortField parameters we will change type from AdOceanListType(AdOceanAlNumType(1, 100, ".")) to AdOceanAlNumType(1, 100, ".")
- Changes in errors:
- "No campaignid" in place of "No No campaignid"
- "No statnames" in place of "No No statnames"
- "statnames has a non-alphanumeric character." in place of "In statnames: element has a non-alnum character."
- "You can't give X, since timeunit, lowertimeunit and/or uppertimeunit can't be given for General timeunitname." In place of "You can't give X, since lowertimeunit and/or uppertimeunit can't be given for General timeunitname.". X it can be timeunit, lowertimeunit or uppertimeunit.
- "Bad sortStatName." in place of "Wrong sortField."
- If you use upperlimit and lowerlimit parameters, it will be checked if both parameters are used.
- If in upperlimit and lowerlimit parameters the time period is empty, then the list of statistics will be empty in place of error.
- We will add new parameters in result of the command:
- campaignFrom, campaignTo, dataFrom, dataTo, updateTS, campaignState, campaignModel if showDetails = Y is used
- campaignTime if timeUnitName = General is used
- orderID if orderID or Order in domainName is used
- creativeID if creativeID or Creative in domainName is used
- placementID if placementID or Placement in domainName is used
- orderName if orderID and showNames = Y or showDetails = Y are used
- creativeName if creativeID and showNames = Y or showDetails = Y are used
- placementName if placementID and showNames = Y or showDetails = Y are used
- placementCategoryID, placementCategoryName, publisherID, publisherName if placementID and showDetails = Y are used
- creativeCategoryID, creativeCategoryName if creativeID and showDetails = Y are used
- campaignID
- campignName
- campaignType
- advertiserID
- advertiserName
- periodName
- For the GetVideoStats command
- The sortStatName parameter will replace the sortField parameter.
- In the case of the timeUnitName parameter, if defined as timeUnitName!=General, we will receive period in place of timeUnit.
- If a command is called for a campaign for which dataTo, dataFrom, updateDate are not defined, you receive - in place of the NoStatsAvailable error.
- Default value for the sortOrder parameter is desc in place of asc. If sortOrder is used without defining the value of sortStatName, there will be no error, command will be called without this parameter.
- The following new parameters will be added: domainName, limit, showDetails, humanDates, showNames
- For the statNames parameter we will change type from AdOceanListType(AdOceanAlNumType(1, 100, ".")) to AdOceanAlNumListType(".") .
- For sortStatName and SortField parameters we will change type from AdOceanListType(AdOceanAlNumType(1, 100, ".")) to AdOceanAlNumType(1, 100, ".") .
- Changes in errors:
- "No campaignid" in place of "No No campaignid"
- "No statnames" in place of "No No statnames"
- "statnames has a non-alphanumeric character." in place of "In statnames: element has a non-alnum character."
- "You can't give X, since timeunit, lowertimeunit and/or uppertimeunit can't be given for General timeunitname." in place of "You can't give X, since lowertimeunit and/or uppertimeunit can't be given for General timeunitname.". X it can be timeunit, lowertimeunit or uppertimeunit.
- "Bad sortStatName." in place of "Wrong sortField."
- If you use upperlimit and lowerlimit parameters, it will be checked if both parameters are used.
- If in upperlimit and lowerlimit parameters the time period is empty, then the list of statistics will be empty in place of error.
- We will add new parameters in result of the command:
- campaignFrom, campaignTo, dataFrom, dataTo, updateTS, campaignState, campaignModel if showDetails = Y is used
- campaignTime if timeUnitName = General is used
- orderID if orderID or Order in domainName is used
- creativeID if creativeID or Creative in domainName is used
- placementID if placementID or Placement in domainName is used
- orderName if orderID and showNames = Y or showDetails = Y are used
- creativeName if creativeID and showNames = Y or showDetails = Y are used
- placementName if placementID and showNames = Y or showDetails = Y are used
- placementCategoryID, placementCategoryName, publisherID, publisherName if placementID and showDetails = Y are used
- creativeCategoryID, creativeCategoryName if creativeID and showDetails = Y are used
- campaignID
- campignName
- campaignType
- advertiserID
- advertiserName
- periodName
- For GetTechStats and GetFreqStats commands:
- Another sorting order if the sortStatName parameter is not given. The records will be sorted by orderID, creativeID, placementID instead of by plansID.
- The numbers will be rounded to 6 decimal places, instead of being rounded to 4.
- We will add new parameters for commands:
- placementCategoryID
- creativeFormID
- creativeTypeID
- filteredReportID
- CreativeCategoryID
- The form of the CreativeCategoryName parameter will change to form_name|type_name or form_name or type_name or "-".
- If you give an incorrect name of a statistic, then the BadParam error with information "WrongStatNames" will be displayed in place of the NoStatsAvailable error.
- We will add new parameters in result of commands: recordsNumber, dataFrom, dataTo, updateDate, requiresReset,TimeZoneAbbre.
- If you use only the lowerlimit parameter (without the upperlimit parameter or vice versa), then the must set error will appear in place of should set.
- For GetTechStats and GetTechStatNames commands, a new value called deviceType will be added for the statDomainName parameter.
- The GetFreqStatNames command returns names of statistics, without defining any parameters.