Development Newsletters

25-09-2018: New possibilities within AdReal analyses

  • See exactly the data you want with our new Exclusion filters option
  • Check what ad formats your competition is using
  • More socio-demo data in AdReal

See exactly the data you want with our new Exclusion filters option!

From now on you can filter out the brands/industries/publishers you do not wish to see in the report, so you can really focus on the elements that matter to you most. 

Analysing a certain industry with an exclusion of all small business brands has never been easier!

Check what ad formats your competition is using

With this option, in the Post Buy view, you are now able to see what ad formats are being used by a selected brand. What is more, you can also see all formats' viewability statistics.

Our default setting includes the most popular ad formats, i.e Billboard, Double Billboard, Wideboard etc (just click the Settings tab to see the whole variety). Our system detects not only the standard-size ads (i.e Billboard 750x100px), but also all the ads having similar dimensions (i.e Billboard 760x100px). It stems from the fact, that some adverts adjust to the user's screen resolution.

But that is not all, you can also predefine your very own ad format dimensions in the Add tab as well!

More socio-demo data in AdReal!

We've introduced additional socio-demographic filter in all AdReal tabs (Ranking, Timeline & Post Buy) – ESOMAR.

From now on you can check how your competition communicates on a specific target using socio-demo data: gender, age & ESOMAR.

Save all the charts you need from the Timeline section!

Our newly developed section, the Dashboard, enables you to save all the important charts from the Timeline view (up to 10 charts).

All you need to do is press the three dots in the upper right corner of any timeline chart you need saved.

Upon saving, just decide if you want the time period of the newly saved chart to stay fixed (and always display the same data) or make it relative (so it will update automatically, i.e always presenting the data for last month/last two weeks etc.).

adreal filters post buy soc-dem timeline